Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025


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Ubuntu Help Free

Ubuntu command line expert available for your woes. Please respond to this with your problem and we will work together to completely solve and make you the master of this issue so you can return the favor and assist others with this same problem.

I struggled for mastery so you don't have to. No problem too big or ignored.


We use Xymon here at for monitoring and alerting of real time events. Web sites/servers as well as production services are monitored on a continual basis and checked periodically by dedicated engineers who are our first line of defence for production impacting services and/or physical servers and telecommunications lines which of course are critical core business services we provide.

Xymon provides at a glance the state of the network, critical servers, and the overall health of the zettabytes cloud and all critical infrastructure connected to it. You can take a look at the following screen shot to get an idea of the information conveyed on the primary Xymon monitoring screen:

Take a look at that. If you have any further questions are or interested in any of our premier services, please do not hesitate to contact us.
