Sun. Feb 9th, 2025

2x LUV Vouchers for Southwest Airlines Face Value $600 ($300 each) – Jeremy Phan

$50 Starbucks Card – Lucy Phan

It’s not a coincidence our winners have the same last names. They’re entries were recorded via purchased items with additional $5 entries entered by both. There were a total of 12 tickets purchased and entered for this event and was heavily weighted for Jeremy Phan who owned 8 of the tickets, 3 tickets owned by his significant other Lucy, and a single ticket owned by myself, who sadly did not win this time ;( There’s always next time! 😉 That’s right folks, there were only 3(!#$) entrants for this raffle! Fortunately in this case both items are available to be digitally transferred and our winners have their prizes. Jeremy and Lucy please leave a comment in our forums or comment section and tell us what you ultimately did with those Southwest Airlines tickets. And, enjoy the coffee! Please note the total amount of money spent to enter this raffle amounted to just over $65! So congratulate our frugal and lucky winners!

Please visit my Patreon page if you’re so inclined or make a donation. Or you can click the coffee cup in the bottom right corner of the screen and Buy Me A Coffee. Thank you!

By editor

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