Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

Home Sweet Home is another demo I found on Steam that is definitely worth playing. Though the demo is short and free it’s not too short and has me chomping at the bit to play the whole game. Home Sweet Home is an Asian themed horror game based on Thai myths and beliefs. The game tells a story as you progress through it and you need to use your stealth and your ability to stay out of sticky, bloody situations to keep yourself safe and sane. There’s a couple liberally placed puzzles to challenge the game play which made the demo enjoyable and fun plus liberally spaced jump scares to remind you to stay tense. 😉

One of the things that’s great about these Asian themed horrors is the dark and creepy ambiance that is ever present. Plus the many sounds and sights of a country almost literally a world away is a nice touch to help with immersion and keeps things from feeling too cliché or tropey. I have to admit I’ve become partial to these Asian themed horror’s because just about every one I have played is visually stunning, meaning the graphics are respectably top notch, and the stories and myths these Asian horror games tell are usually new (at least new to me) and this is one of the things that really pull me in to a game. Nothing is more interesting than the unknown and this is something game developers latched on to a long time ago. It’s really nice to play games developed elsewhere in the world than your home country because this tends to bring some fascinating things along with it and along with the terror sometimes you even learn something.

All of the reviews on Steam for Home Sweet Home are *very positive* and the few negative reviews I saw were for what seemed like possibly quirky personal issues; it’s too loud, it’s not loud enough, it’s too bright, it’s not bright enough etc etc.

Home Sweet Home is not a new game with it’s original release date of September 27, 2017. I believe that might be a good thing for Home Sweet Home at this point in time because during the gameplay it felt like it was highly optimized, the controls and movement were very smooth, and it’s always nice when I can play a game at ultimate resolution with my workhorse Nvidia GeForce 1030 GTX GPU. Home Sweet Home is a mature game and is a game just about every big name in gaming on YouTube has produced a playthrough/walkthrough video for. When I say mature I mean the technical aspects all seem to have been worked out as I encountered no glitches and the gameplay was very smooth.

Home Sweet Home is $16.99US on Steam and from what I’ve seen so far that seems like a very reasonable price. You can get to the Home Sweet Home web page on Steam by clicking here. Additionally, Home Sweet Home comes with a VR mode as well so if you have the hardware you can get really immersive and it’s included in the game cost.

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By editor

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