Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

Today: $54.38US

High: $100.38US

Start: $18.98US

The crypto market and my personal investments have stayed at an even keel since the all time highs last month. The XRP and Stellar Lumens I own are good indicators of market fluctuation and I still believe those are solid investments that if kept through the long run will reap rewards. I have yet to purchase additional crypto to add to my investment but I have never cashed out. I do all my crypto investing in Coinbase, and am pretty much still a noob at the whole altcoin scene but I have been watching the market and there are some up and coming altcoins I want to purchase.

At some point in the very near future I need to get some Dogecoin. Not because I think it’s going to perform well but because of the hype and the fact that it’s dirt cheap enough to purchase $20-$40US of it just to have it in the portfolio. Also Skale looks good to me at the moment, Algorand, Cardano, Maker, and Cosmos are a few of the coins I am keeping a VERY close eye on, as far as how the parent companies are doing, their acquisitions, and financial health.

I continue to learn about crypto but watching the value of the altcoins rise and drop and tracking the progress is the way to go. The high-low swings do come in and if you can time a high with a cash out chances are you’ll be making some profit. As per the numbers above I have seen my miniscule investment grow by doubling, tripling, even quadrupling however the altcoin will stay in their safes until at least 2022 when I decide to reinvest or pull out.

That’s all I have to report for this month. The altcoin market is super volatile right now but I believe once we see major government moves that’s when we’ll see our crypto really grow, so I hope.

By editor